This facility is designed to duplicate commercial residential structures known as “taxpayers” in which ground level areas are operated as commercial entities and second story and higher areas are utilized for such purposes as offices and/or apartments.
The facility is three stories high and contains a basement area. There are 53 compartments within this facility. At the uppermost level, either a penthouse or elevator motor room are simulated. The structure contains a working standpipe system, multiple roof vents, exterior permanent ladders, as well as an expansive flat roof area to practice operations above ground level. Entry to the basement area can be made via external or internal stairs.
Typical taxpayer fires require multi-company response; therefore, a much larger training group can be accommodated at this facility. A multi-unit response consisting of engine and truck company is expected at this training session. Class size varies depending on the number of pieces of apparatus brought to the session. Because of the duration of this
training session and variety of tasks that can be performed, 30-45 students can be accommodated.
Taxpayer for Officers: A specialized class in which only line officers participate. Each officer will fill the role of firefighter, while other officers are given the opportunity to command and supervise. Residential fire attack theory and operations will be covered. Officers will gain an understanding of their supervisory role on the fireground and experience the variety of problems that they may encounter during residential fire operations. Since this class is conducted only for officers, they will be provided the opportunity to openly discuss firefighting topics which they may be unfamiliar with, or need to refresh on.
Note: The Taxpayer is also a great evolution for use of and practice of your departments Rapid Intervention Team operation. If you wanted to train with your neighboring department, have them come to the drill with you