This facility is designed to duplicate commercial residential structures known as “taxpayers” in which ground level areas are operated as commercial entities and second story and higher areas are utilized for such purposes as offices and/or apartments. The facility is three stories high and contains a basement area. There are 53 compartments within this facility. […]
Smokehouse / Private Dwelling Search
The firefighter wearing SCBA will be expected to enter a hostile environment (smoke & heat) and systematically make their way through the structure while executing proper search procedures. Preferred class size is 15-20 students. Note: Firefighters who have not been thoroughly trained in basic SCBA use and search procedures should not attempt this training. This […]
Multi-Story (Tower) Firefighting
The tower facility lends itself to many different evolutions. It can provide combined evolutions for Engine and Truck company fireground operations for multiple story structures. Essentially, we train on the advancement of hoselines vertically – either by stairway or use of ground ladders. Standpipe operations can be conducted with emphasis on deployment of handlines from […]
Maze / Mask Confidence Training
The firefighter is presented with the unknown while wearing S.C.B.A. by eliminating the sense of sight to allow the thinking process to be utilized in order to find a way through the maze. This is a skill drill; working in the unknown of a strange structure while performing firefighting functions with the physical and psychological […]
Liquified Petroleum (LP) Gas
This facility provides firefighters with knowledge about liquefied petroleum gas products and hardware to handle LP Gas emergencies. The training session commences with a lecture and demonstration of LP Gas properties and use. Typical storage, transportation and handling of product is presented. Extinguishment considerations along with various strategies and tactics are presented to the student. […]
Flammable Liquids Firefighting
This training session is made up of approximately a 45 minute lecture on the principles of foam application & equipment. The second part of the drill is hands-on, using the department’s foam equipment. The instructor will also cover the proper way to apply foam. Each department should supply their own training foam.
Class “A”
This training facility is designed to familiarize firefighters with the common problems encountered with suppression of fires in residential dwellings. The facility is two stories in height and includes a full basement with exterior access. Ideal class size is 20-25 firefighters. Each department attending the training session must provide a class “A” pumping engine at […]
Thermal Imaging Camera
This drill will provide the student with a basic understanding of thermal imaging and its usefulness as a tool in the fire service. Thermal imaging theory will be reviewed and demonstrated using firefighting thermal imaging cameras. Thermal imaging camera tactics will be discussed and shown. Students will learn the benefits of thermal imaging cameras on […]
RIT / Firefighter Rescue
This course is designed for the Firefighter and Fire Officer to enhance their ability to operate proficiently as a Rapid Intervention Crew. Subjects covered include Air Management, Emergency Communications, Downed Firefighter Removal Techniques and Self-Survival Skills. This challenging course at the Fire Academy features a brief PowerPoint Program each of the five nights followed by […]
Rescue Tech Basic / Confined Space Technician
This course combines Rescue Technician Basic and Confined Space Rescue allowing students to complete this training in a reduced time frame. The individual course learning objectives lend themselves to the overlap, rendering the combination appropriate. Rescue Technician-Basic – Provides a base from which to prepare students for a wide variety of possible rescue operations. This course […]